John Varghese\'s Re-appointment As St. Stephen\'s College Principal Illegal: Du

John Varghese’s appointment as St. Stephen’s College principal illegal The John Varghese’s re-appointment as St. Stephen

New Delhi, Sep 2 : The Delhi University has said that the renewal of John Varghese as the principal of the St.Stephen College even after the expiration of his term in office is unlawful.
In a letter addressed to St.Stephen College, the Delhi University said the decision to extend the term of selection of Varghese as the college’s Principal for an additional term is no longer valid from today.

 John Varghese's Re-appointment As St. Stephen's College Principal Illegal:

The college claimed it was aware that he was appointed principal first principal on March 1st, 2016 however, the college’s decision to extend his term for a second period is not legal since an individual is able to be in the position of principal for a period of five years.

It is also stated that re-appointment for the second term is only possible after completing the proper process of selection.

The Assistant Director of the Registrar Office, University of Delhi, in an official statement has stated there’s no clause in the University Grants Commission (UGC) regulations to extend the term of the principal who is currently in place for an additional period of five years.

The document, however, states that the principal can be elected again for a different period.

However, the rules were not observed by the supreme council of the college which isn’t legal.

The letter also stated that it is a requirement for universities to be sure that the rules of the UGC regulations incorporated in the calendar of the university are adhered with.

It also stated it was found that St Stephen’s College has violated the spirit of the provisions of the UGC Regulations, 2018.


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