Biden Calls India, Us \'indispensable Partners\'

Biden calls India, US ‘indispensable partners’

Washington 15 August : US President Joe Biden on Sunday declared India as well as the US “indispensable partners” on the anniversary of the 75th anniversary of India’s independence.
“The United States joins the people of India to honor its democratic path with Mahatma Gandhi’s timeless message of non-violence and truth,” Biden said in an official statement.

 Biden Calls India, Us 'indispensable Partners'

In the same year that the two countries commemorate 75 years of developing diplomatic relations in the year, the US President added, “India and the United States are essential partners and the Strategic Partnership between the US and India is rooted in our common dedication to the rule of law and the protection of human rights and equality.”

The two nations are linked through “deep bonds” between their citizens, he added with a shout-out to “the vibrant Indian-American community in the US (that) has helped make us a more dynamic and inclusive Nation”.

Biden said in his closing remarks, “I am confident that in the years ahead , our two democracies will be united in defending the rules-based order; promote more peace, prosperity, and security for our citizens to create a safe and open Indo-Pacific, and tackle our challenges across the globe.”



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