Senior Citizens\' 10-year Legal Fight Gets Closure With The Fall Of Towers

Senior citizens’ 10 year legal battle is finally over with the demise of towers

New Delhi, Aug 28 : With the collapse of the one in India that is of the biggest towers, a legal battle of more than 10 years waged by seniors came to an end on Sunday.
The demolition of the twin towers could signal the triumph of the group of elderly people who waged battle against Supertech in 2009 for allegedly violating the bylaws.

 Senior Citizens' 10-year Legal Fight Gets Closure With The Fall Of

A group of four people who are elderly -four elderly people – U.B.S.Teotia; 80, S.K.Sharma Teotia; 80; S.K.Sharma; S.K.Sharma, Ravi Bajaj, 65; and M.K.Jain M.K.Jain, 59 were the first to raise the alarm about the infringement of the law by Supertech in the construction of the twin towers.This group of retired officials from the central government who collected donations to carry on their legal battle starting from Allahabad High Court to the Supreme Court against the builder.

Teotia Teotia, the RWA president of Emerald Court, had joined the society in the year 2010.

His first dispute with the developer took place in the monsoon of the year in question, when the basements were filled with rainwater.The owners of the flats were informed that two towers of 25 stories were to be built instead.

Teotia along with a group of retired officials from the government filed numerous complaints with the then RWA.But they were unable to resolve the issue.

In an interview with IANS Teotia Said, “The society was considered to be elite at the time, however when I entered the community in 2010 there was nothing like what was promised.In addition, two towers were being planned to be built which was not legal and not approved.”

He told me, “First of all we tried to contact the builders, but without success.Then, we visited the Noida Authority and the police but we got no results.

We also contacted Minister at the time, Azam Khan, but it was of no avail.In the end we made it to the Allahabad High Court in 2012.”

Then, two years later a high court decided in favor of the towers and ordered the towers demolished.The court also demanded the builder to reimburse buyers and criticised the Noida Authority for colluding with the developer to allow construction.

Even after the verdict that was handed down in their favor from the High Court, the battle went on in the Supreme Courts.However, these senior citizens refused to give up.They continued to fight until the builders Supertech challenged the ruling in the Apex Court.

The petition was submitted by the behalf of Emerald Court RWA and was not in the name of any person.

In addition to Teotia, the core team consisted of Ravi Bajaj (72), S.K.Sharma (75), M.K.Jain (he died last year following Covid) M.K.Jain (he died last year after Covid) and Gaurav Devnath (70) who relentlessly investigated the case and sat to every hearing.

Finally the Supreme Court gave the decision in favor of the elderly, and the towers were destroyed in the end.


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