New Delhi, Sep 26 : The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached immovable assets worth over Rs 1 crore and bank balances of more than Rs 26.5 lakh belonging to Sunheaven Agro India Ltd and its directors in a money laundering case, officials said on Tuesday.
The ED initiated PMLA (Prevention of Money Laundering Act) investigation based on an FIR registered by the CBI under various section of the IPC against Sunheaven Agro India Ltd and its directors.
The company floated various investment schemes “under the garb of product booking, fixed deposit and monthly income schemes, with an intention of earning quick and easy money”.
“These ponzi schemes were operated without obtaining permission/license from the Regulatory Authorities i.e.SEBI/RBI etc.Sunheaven Agro India Ltd with a dishonest and fraudulent intention to cheat the public, collected deposits from the investors in various schemes,” an official said.
The ED investigation “revealed that the funds collected from the investors fraudulently by Sunheaven Agro India Ltd were being used for purchase of the properties and personal uses”, he added.
Further investigation into the matter is underway.
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