The Rising Significance Of Plant-based Protein In India

The Rising Significance of Plant-Based Protein in India

India, 6th July 2022: People in India are shifting to plant-based diets and reducing their overall consumption of animal-based products.Plant-based diets are gaining popularity for health reasons and environmental concerns because that encompasses animal welfare.

 The Rising Significance Of Plant-based Protein In

However, those who follow such a diet often worry about getting enough protein, especially since several types of meat and dairy products that are high in protein.

Pantry staples such as lentils, almonds, and millets are all rich sources of plant protein and can be regularly consumed as part of a healthy, wholesome diet.

Almonds for instance, are not only nutrition powerhouses but are versatile in their usage and add a unique texture to a variety of dishes – be it sweet or savory.Almonds are an excellent source of plant-based protein and can be consumed in many ways: almond milk, almond flour, raw, roasted, lightly salted etc.

Sheela Krishnaswamy, Nutrition and Wellness Consultant said, “Protein is needed for the formation of tissues, muscles, hormones, and enzymes, and also to repair cells and tissues in the body.It’s critical to carefully plan your diet once you’ve decided to follow a plant-based diet.If you are used to getting your calcium from dairy products, you can now get it from ragi, soybean, leafy greens, and almonds.Nuts like almonds, dals and pulses like toor dal and moong can contribute to the protein requirement for your body if you are on a plant-based diet.

Almonds are also a great snack option, especially when you’re hungry in between meals.Almonds are a rich source of protein, a nutrient which known to contribute to growth and maintenance of muscle mass.

Emphasizing the change in eating patterns and plant-based lifestyles, Fitness Expert and Celebrity Master Instructor, Yasmin Karachiwala said, “As a fitness instructor, I have people constantly quizzing me on one diet or another.Trends come and go; the key is to eat balanced meals and to follow a regular workout routine.According to a study, interventional trials have consistently demonstrated that consumption of plant-based diets reduces body fat in overweight and obese individuals, even when controlling for energy intake.[1]From that perspective, I strongly believe that plant-based diets can help with weight maintenance.One excuse I often hear from clients is that it is difficult to cook a healthy meal.The best part of plant-based diets is that you can eat nuts like almonds which are a powerhouse of a protein, with no preparation required.A handful of almonds may have satiating properties that promote feelings of fullness.[2] Similarly, you can also eat a bowl of quinoa with slivers of almonds as a breakfast.This will take you less than 5 min to prepare.”

Renowned Indian television & film actress, Nisha Ganesh said, “I eat a protein-rich diet and include foods like eggs, almonds, milk and dal.Nuts like almonds are convenient to carry to sets, especially while travelling and when you want to grab a healthy snack.Eating a handful of almonds keeps me satiated between meals and keeps my hunger cravings at bay.I make sure I include them in my diet every day as they are known to be a rich source of protein.In addition to that, almonds are a source of magnesium, vitamin E, zinc and other vital nutrients.

To make it more interesting, I try out different ways to consume almonds.For instance, I enjoy making Rasam spiked almonds or have them with dark chocolate.”


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