Protesters From Sudan Reach The Presidential Palace In An Attempt To Demand Civil Rule

Protesters from Sudan reach the presidential palace in an attempt to demand civil rule

Khartoum 26 December : .Sudanese demonstrators have reached Khartoum’s presidential palace to protest civilian rule.

 Protesters From Sudan Reach The Presidential Palace In An Attempt To Demand

Official SUNA news agency reported.
The SUNA report was quoted by Xinhua as saying that protesters gathered near the Republican Palace to reject the political deal between Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan (Chief of Transitional Sovereign Council) and Abdalla Hamdok (“Chanting”).

On Saturday, thousands of Sudanese residents demonstrated in Khartoum capital and other major cities.

Before Saturday’s protests began, the Sudanese authorities cut off all internal communication and internet services.

Witnesses claim that hundreds of soldiers from Sudan and Rapid Support Forces were deployed at the gates to bridges connecting three of the major capital cities, Khartoum and Omdurman.

The Sudanese Professionals Association (the body behind the protests) urged citizens on Friday to participate in the Saturday protests to demand civilian control.

Khartoum State Security Committee announced, in the meanwhile, that bridges connecting Khartoum and Omdurman Cities will be closed as of Friday night.This excludes Suba and Halfaya bridges.

According to the committee, violating or attempting to violate the sovereignty and strategic locations in central Khartoum, as well as deviating away from peace, would constitute a violation.It also noted that there will be consequences for violations and chaos.

After General Commander of Sudanese Armed Forces Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, declared a state emergency on October 25, and dismantled the government and sovereign councils, the country is currently in political turmoil.

Al-Burhan signed, along with the former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, a political declaration on November 21.However, the agreement did not calm protesters.


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