Director Manu C Kumar is set to release his Malayalam drama-comedy, “Sesham Mikeil Fathima,” featuring Kalyani Priyadarshan, on November 3.This film began production in September the previous year and was initially planned for a direct release on the streaming platform Netflix.
The movie is highly anticipated and will compete with Suresh Gopi’s “Graudan” and Sharaf U Dheen’s “Tholvi FC.”
“Sesham Mikeli Fathima” promises to be an enjoyable comedy-drama, featuring a talented supporting cast that includes Shaheeh Siddique, Sudheesh, and Femina George, renowned for her role in “Minnal Murali.”
The production house, The Route, shared the release date on social media, urging viewers to mark their calendars for this cinematic treat.
The story revolves around Kalyani’s character in the Malabar region of Kerala.
She portrays a football commentator from the Malappuram district with a deep love for outdoor sports.
Director Manu C Kumar clarified that the film is not entirely focused on the female lead, and football is just one element of the story.Kalyani will deliver her lines in the Malabar dialect, similar to her role in “Thallumaala.”
Shaheen Siddique plays a role akin to an extended cameo in the film.
Kalyani Priyadarshan, known for her roles in “Bro Daddy” and “Hridayam,” expressed gratitude for her journey in the film industry.She acknowledged her aspirations and also shared her concerns about making mistakes along the way.
The film features cinematography by Santhana Krishnan, acclaimed for his work in “Kabir Singh,” and music by Hesham Abdul Wahab, known for his work in “Hridayam.”
So, “Sesham Mikeil Fathima” is a much-anticipated Malayalam film with Kalyani Priyadarshan in the lead, set to release on November 3.It started as a direct-to-OTT release but will now hit theaters, competing with other films.The story is based in the Malabar region of Kerala and centers around football, but it’s not entirely female-centric.
The film also has an impressive supporting cast and talented crew members.