Due to the corona epidemic imposed by the international community at that time, those who came to Dubai from India or other countries, or those who came from Dubai and stayed in India, faced many difficulties.Many jobs were also lost in the process.
However, with the gradual decline of the corona, some restrictions were imposed and permission was granted to enter their country.As part of these regulations, the RTPCR ordered that tests be conducted for seven days and quarantine tests.But fresh
Dubai has also lifted this provision.Dubai Airport has issued key directives that RTPCR is not required at the airport prior to departure from India to Dubai.According to the newly imposed regulations.No RTPCR test is required upon arrival at the airport but an RTPCR test must be performed 72 hours prior to departure to Dubai.
Instructed to undergo a corona test upon arrival at the airport.Dubai has applied the new rules to India, which has the highest number of migrants, as well as other countries such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
It also said the new rules would apply to those traveling to other countries via Dubai, adding that it was the responsibility of airlines to inform passengers of the new rules and make them comply with them.
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