Lausanne, Feb 13 : The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) of the World Athletics has banned India’s K.M Rachna for 12 years for testing positive for a cocktail of steroids/prohibited substances.The 30-year-old Indian hammer thrower has been penalised for the presence/use of Prohibited Substances Stanozolol, Methandienone, DHCMT and Clenbuterol in tests conducted by the AIU and the National Anti-doping Authority (NADA) of India.
Rachna’s suspension will run from November 24, 2023, to November 23, 2035, the AIU, an independent body set up by the World Athletics to conduct anti-doping activities on its behalf, said in a statement on Tuesday.
This is the second anti-doping rule violation by Rachna, who had previously served a period of ineligibility of four years from March 18, 2015, to March 17, 2p19 for the presence of Metenolone in a Sample collected on February 10, 2015.
Rachna provided two samples on September 24, 2023, at Patiala during two out-of-competition tests.
She also provided an in-competition sample at the 37th National Games Goa in tests conducted by NADA India.
One of the samples taken on September 24 was tested at the WADA-accredited laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland.
This sample tested positive for the presence of (i) Stanozolol Metabolites 3’-hydroxystanozolol-O-glucuronide, 16β-hydroxy stanozolol-O-glucuronide, stanozolol-O-glucuronide and stanozolol-N-glucuronide, (ii) Methandienone Metabolites 6β-hydroxy methandienone and epimetiendiol and (iii) dehydrochloromethyl-testosterone (“DHCMT”) Metabolite 4-chloro-18-nor-17β-hydroxymethyl,17α-methyl-5α-androst-13-en-3α-ol.The second sample also returned positive for several steroids including Clenbuterol.
The AIU noted that the athlete did not have Therapeutic Use Exemption for the Metabolites of Stanozolol, Methandienone or DHCMT found in her samples.
In response to a notice by AIU, Rachna claimed that samples collected from her on June 19, 2023, September 8, 2023, September 11, 2023, and November 1, 2023, were negative and requested analysis of the B Sample.
Meanwhile, NADA India advised her that her sample collected on November 1, 2023, returned positive for Clenbuterol and sought an explanation from her.
The AIU took over the investigation of the case from NADA and sought information from Rachna on various points, to which she failed to respond or provide any information.
in January 2024, her ‘B’ Sample was also tested and confirmed the results of the A Sample.The AIU framed and charged her on January 22 and asked her to respond to the notice to which the athlete failed to respond by February 5.
Considering that this was her second offence and the fact that she has tested positive for so many prohibited substances, the AIU suspend3ed her for 12 years and ruled that all her results on and since September 24, 2023, will be disqualified and any titles, awards, medals, points prizes and appearance money she has earned from that date will be forfeited.
#Indian #thrower #Rachna #steroids #Goa #Patiala