As you are very much aware of, Superstar Mahesh Babu’s dear wife Namrata used to be a Bollywood actress in the 90s and she has also done Telugu films like Vamshi with Mahesh Babu and Anji with Megastar Chiranjeevi.She left the makeup world after getting married to Superstar.
All of sudden, a rumour has taken the media that Namrata is about to make a comeback to cinema with Mahesh 23.
It was said that Director Murugadoss wanted to rope the star wife in for a crucial role in the film.But contrary to all the gossips written, Namrata Mahesh cuts down the rumours and stated that she isn’t coming back.
Speaking at a private event, Namrata requested people not to be believe in such gossips circulated by websites and magazines who create something like reading material which works for them.
She even added that the right source for any news is a quote coming from the person.
So, it’s clear now.Namrata Mahesh isn’t coming back to sliver screen and she wasn’t offered with any role either.