Los Angeles, Feb 9 : While out at a bar with her mother, actress Emma Watson had her blue luxurious Audi towed away after it blocked in a pizza restaurant manager’s vehicle for nearly four hours.
A witness said the actress had blocked the entrance to a car park, leaving the owner of a pizza restaurant across the street having his car blocked in by the actress’ vehicle.
The manager told MailOnline: “Three-and-a-half hours of searching for the driver was the last thing I needed after working a 12-hour shift.The car was parked in front of our gate which is a no-parking zone.
Watson was said to have parked it illegally on a quiet street before she nipped into a nearby pub, the Rose and Crown, with her mum Jacqueline, reports femalefirst.co.uk.
When the pizza restaurant owner called the police and they started to tow away her car the manager said Watson came “flying out of the pub shouting, ‘That’s my car, that’s my car’.”
The actress was photographed wearing a long black trench coat while apparently begging cops and a tow truck employee to leave her car alone.
But it was taken away leaving the star facing a over Rs 20,000 (£192) charge to get her Audi S3 back.
She also faces a over Rs 2,000 ( £26) charge for every day it waits at the car pound.
A witness told Sun Online: “Emma was pretty upset that her car was being towed away, she came running over shouting, ‘Hey, that’s my car’, and was arguing with the truck driver, but he was having none of it.
“He told her the car was being impounded, signed some paperwork to give her and hauled the car away.
“Emma was with her mum who watched the whole thing in the street.
Warwickshire Police said in a statement: “A report of a blue Audi S3 parked across a driveway and blocking in two cars on High Street near the junction with Sheep Street in Stratford.The report was made at 9.42 p.m.and the car was impounded and taken away at 10.21 p.m.
“No crime was recorded.”
#Emma #luxury #towed #Los Angeles