The Mp School Sent A Show Cause Notice To Question Kareena Ali Khan And Saif Al Khan About Kareena’s Son

The MP school sent a show cause notice to question Kareena Ali Khan and Saif Al Khan about Kareena’s son

Bhopal 25 December : .A private school in Madhya Pradesh asked the name of the child of Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor, and Saif Ali Khan during an exam.

 The Mp School Sent A Show Cause Notice To Question Kareena Ali Khan And Saif

It has become a huge controversy.Now, the school has received a notice of protest.
After the question was included in class 6, the General Knowledge section, during the annual exams, the controversy began.The Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh asked students at Academic Heights Public School to complete a question paper.

It required them to name the father of the Bollywood actor couple Karana Kapoor (or Saif Ali Khan).

Part B of the current affairs test had five questions.

The first was ‘Who is the Grand Master of Chess India’.The second was — Give the complete name of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Khan Khan’s sons?

The set also contains three questions: Name the IAF pilot whose fighter jet crashed into Pakistan.What team was the winner of IPL Cup 2019? The last question was: Who is North Korea’s dictator?

After the test had ended, question 2 (Saif Ali Khan’s full name and the surname of Kareena Khan Khan) was asked.Some parents objected, saying that the current affairs section should not include questions about freedom fighters.

This would help students improve their knowledge of all aspects of history.

The parents’ association complained later to Khandwa’s district education department.

This in turn went to Madhya Pradesh School Education Department.The department sent a show-case notification to Academic Heights Public School and sought their response.

Anish Jharjhare, president of the district parents’ association expressed his concern about this incident.How can school administrators ask students these non-serious question? They asked students for information about historic icons and other legends instead of asking them questions.

The school has received a show-cause notice.A senior school official said that further action would be taken based on their reply.


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