New Delhi, November 19, : , One of Afghanistan’s top psychiatrists was taken by armed men and killed in September.The Guardian reported that he has now been identified as dead.
Manizheh Abreen’s daughter Nader Alemi said her father was tortured before his death.
“Yesterday, we paid $350,000 for the abductors.They promised that my father would be freed today.” The report stated that instead, they received the body of his deceased father this morning.
Alemi (66), who founded the first country-wide private psychiatric hospital was taken hostage in Mazar-i Sharif.His car had been stopped while he was driving home from work.
In the months prior to his kidnapping, he had been receiving threatening messages and calls.
According to the report, kidnappers demanded $800,000.
Abreen stated that they told her to sell the hospital and house.We bargained and said no one would buy our property.They didn’t listen.We took money from family members and friends, and we sold our cars and jewelry.
We could not afford to spend this amount [$350,000].According to the report, our father was an elderly man with diabetes.But those cruel people did not pay attention.”
Abreen claimed that her father’s corps showed obvious signs of torture.
Alemi, who was prominent in Mazar-i-Sharif where he established his hospital, was well-known.According to the report, he was the only Pashto-speaking psychiatrist living in northern Afghanistan.His patients included Taliban fighters.
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