Dear Coffee lovers here is yet another reason to announce yourself as a coffee lover for valid reasons.Coffee improves the functioning of the brain, coffee treats a disease like dementia coffee reduces the chances of Alzheimer’s and add a coffee can reduce the chances of diabetes when you come to the reason behind your coffee addiction.
Scientists from, Denmark have found that coffee can possibly relay type 2 diabetes by improving self-functioning and insulin sensitivity.A bioactive substance called cafestol works on insulin sensitivity and cuts down the risk of diabetes
There is another research which found the same result in the University of Southern California in the united states.
More than one lakh eighty thousand participants participated in the research have stated that coffee is making their life longer.In earlier researchers, it was found that substances in coffee could reduce diabetes risk but this new substance cafestol works way beyond than the other.
American chemical society Journal of natural products recently has come u with an article stating the same that cafestol can really delay the effects of diabetes
After testing cafestol on mice a researcher from the grp have stated something like this ”After ten weeks of intervention, fasting plasma glucose was 28 to 30% lower in cafestol group compared with the control group.Fasting glucagon was 20% lower and insulin sensitivity improved by 42% in the high cafestol group.
Cafestol increased insulin secretion from isolates by 75% to 85% compared to the controlled group.consequently, cafestol may contribute to the reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes in coffee consumers and is a good candidate for drug development to treat or prevent the disease in humans”
The researcher releases the above statement after collecting blood samples for fasting glucose, glucagon, muscle and fat issues and also liver.
So, apparently, coffee is not as bad as people think