Nara Lokesh, the son of former Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu arrived at the CID office in Kunchanapalli of Guntur district on Tuesday to appear before the CID in relation to the irregularities in the change of alignment of the Amaravati inner ring road.The High Court has allowed the CID to interrogate Lokesh in this case, but it has also suggested that certain rules should be followed during the investigation.
Earlier, Lokesh has announced his readiness to answer any questions posed by the CID regarding the ring road case.The TDP National General Secretary has arrived in Vijayawada from Delhi and will proceed from his residence in Undavalli to the CID Economic office in Kunchanapally at 9 am.
It is alleged that there have been significant irregularities in the change of alignment of the inner ring road by the Andhra Pradesh government.Both Chandrababu Naidu and Nara Lokesh have been named as accused by the CID in this case.
Lokesh has been identified as A14 in the case.The CID alleges that Chandrababu Naidu acted in a manner that benefited benamis (proxy individuals) by changing the alignment of the inner ring road.
It is further alleged that Ramesh’s house was acquired on a quid pro quo basis.Lokesh is also implicated in the case, with the CID claiming that the changes in the ring road alignment were made with the intention of benefiting the heritage company in which Lokesh is a partner.
The CID is prepared to conduct a thorough investigation into the case.