Gandhinagar 25 Aug : The members of the Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) held a demonstration in Gandhinagar on Thursday, focusing on the ongoing concerns of farmers in Gujarat.Their primary request is that the Gujarat government provide power at a similar cost for all farmers.
The ones with horsepower connections should not be charged extra.BKS state president Jagmalbhai Arya said that over the past six months farmers have been protesting over the issue of tariffs for power but the state government isn’t taking action on the issue.
Their demand is “A farmer with one horsepower connection pays 665 per year and 66,500 for a 100 horsepower consumption annually.Farmers who have an electricity connection to agriculture and meters pay 80 paise per unit, plus 20 rupees in the initial five years.With these charges farmers pay an annual amount of Rs.1,20,000 to get the same horsepower.It’s almost twice the cost of consumers who do not have meters.All agricultural consumers must be provided with electricity at the same cost.”
Arya has warned that if the government fails to make a decision in the next day, starting August 27, the Sangh will start an protest and block roads, make village bandhs and block MPs and MLAs from going into villages.