Los Angeles, Nov 28, 2018 : Laverne cox, star of ‘Orange is the New Black, has confirmed that she has a boyfriend she met on Tinder.She says she is thankful for her partner and is “super happy” to have gotten rid of dating apps.
After responding to a tweet criticizing Hinge for being “super toxic”, Cox revealed her relationship status via Twitter.They suggested that Laverne had been removed from the app as she is transwoman.Femalefirst reports.
The tweet’s initial message read: “Guess, you gotta be high-profile transwoman like @Lavernecox in order to get a @hinge Ban for being trans overturned.”
The actress responded that she was banned from Hinge for the second time before she met her boyfriend through Tinder.
She stated that she has a boyfriend now and hasn’t been on the applications in over a decade.After being reinstated on @hinge, I was again banned.I’m not sure why.I wasn’t meeting men on Hinge anyway.So I didn’t bother to research it.Met my bf via Tinder.
“Super happy to be off of the apps.”
She first spoke out about her boyfriend in January, when she stated that she had started a relationship with him six months before.
She exclaimed: “(Found love 2020) It almost sounds like a joke, but, yes, Laverne has fallen in love again.It feels amazing.Love is an amazing thing.It’s a chemical thing that’s amazing.He is a great guy, and I didn’t expect it.
“I thought he would be this hot dude that I was going out with, and then it just kinda happened.”
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