By Sanjeev Sharma New Delhi, Nov 26 : .Hearings in the US Senate on the lessons learned from the 26/11 Mumbai attacks in 2009 made it clear that attackers seemed to be more familiar with their targets than the responding commandos.
The Senate hearings had inputs from FBI, NYPD and intelligence officials.They discussed in detail the mode of attack and preparations for the terrorist attacks.
The attackers in Mumbai displayed a high level of coordination, stamina, and training.
“They fired in controlled, disciplined bursts.
Our liaisons visited the railway stations and hotels to see bullet holes.
“You would see bullet holes in ceiling and floor with less-experienced shooters.
We believe this group had extensive training, as evidenced by the large number of casualties.Officials testified that ten terrorists were able to kill or injure nearly 500 people.”
“They were skilled in working together as one unit.They shared that they used hand signals to communicate in noisy and crowded areas, for example.
They were also able to keep their attacks going for hours, and they were well-trained.Officials testified that this had the effect of increasing public fear and keeping the incident longer in the news cycle.
“These are some of the differences we have seen from what has gone before.These were the same features that were used in previous attacks around the globe.
The capital of the country, a densely populated, multicultural metropolis and a hub in the media and entertainment industries.These are all descriptions of New York City,” officials stated.
Teams from the US law enforcement agencies were also sent to Mumbai.
“We convened a special meeting today with members of the NYPD Strategic Home Intervention and Early Leadership Development programme (SHIELD).
The officials stated that this alliance was between the police department, and approximately 3,000 private security managers based around New York.
“We had the Mumbai leader of our team call in and speak directly with the audience.
The officials stated that they had posted maps and photographs to assist them in visualizing the locations.
During the hearings, officials stated that Indian authorities had in February 2008 arrested a Lashkar-e-Taiba operative.
He was carrying information that suggested that Mumbai landmarks, such as the Taj Mahal Hotel and other buildings, were being monitored for terrorist operations.
The officials said that they could not say whether the plans were delayed due to Indian government action or whether the plotters weren’t ready until November.
However, it reminded them that plots can lie dormant for a long period and then emerge at the time of the plotter’s choosing.
(Sanjeev Sharma can be reached at
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