North Korea, officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), is a country in East Asia, constituting the northern part of the Korean Peninsula.Here are Some Interesting Facts about North Korea : 1.The North Korean calendar is based on its founder’s date of birth 2.It has only 3 TV channels 3.Electric power largely shuts down at every night, and the homes that have electricity often receive only a few hours per day.4.Nearly all property belongs to the state.A modern independent judicial system does not exist.Religious freedom does not exist.5.Elections with only one candidate to choose from 6.Parents whos end their Children to School have to provide desks & chairs for their kids.7.The 3-generation punishment rule Means If one person commits a crime, his entire bloodline, including the grandparents, parents and children, are sent to prison.8.North Koreans can visit only 28 websites.9.Blue jeans are banned in the country , North Korea sees blue jeans as a symbol of US imperialism and hence, has banned it in the country.10.Coca Cola and Mc Donalds Also Banned in North Korea.Watch Full Video About North Korea Leader Kim Jong-Un
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