The Andhra Pradesh High Court which heard the arguments on Wednesday regarding the anticipatory bail petition filed by Chandrababu Naidu in the Amaravati Inner Ring Road case posted the next hearing to Friday afternoon.On Tuesday, Advocate Siddhartha Luthra presented the arguments virtually, while the Attorney General (AG) on behalf of CID, Sriram has putforth the arguments today.
The CID registered a case on May 9, based on a complaint filed by YSRCP MLA Alla Ramakrishna Reddy on April 27, 2022.The complaint alleged irregularities in the designing of the capital city’s grand plan, the alignment of the inner ring road, and the connecting roads.
Chandrababu was named as the first accused in this case.
In response, Chandrababu filed a petition seeking bail.
Siddhartha Luthra, a Senior Advocate from the Supreme Court, presented precedents related to the Inner Ring Road case to the court on behalf of Chandrababu.It has been argued that the case was registered for political reasons.
Meanwhile, the ACB court has adjouned the hearing on the Chandrababu’s bail and custody petitions in the Andhra Pradesh Skill Development case to October 4.The Court seems to posted the hearing to October 4 considering the Supreme Court’s hearing on quash petition on October 3.
The ACB Court judge has instructed both sides to conclude their arguments on the same day and advised Chandrababu’s lawyers not to repeat their arguments and opined that they would pass the order regardless of the arguments.
Earlier, the special leave petition of Chandrababu Naidu moved in Supreme Court has been postponed to October 3 .The bench headed by Chief Justice of India will hear the case.