Chennai, Aug 9 : A day after Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin said passage of Delhi Service Bill was the dark day of democracy, state BJP president K.Annamalai said real black days of democracy were during the Congress regime when the state governments were dismissed 90 times using Article 356 of the Constitution.
The BJP leader said that former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi alone had dismissed elected state government’s 50 times and added that theose were dark days of democracy.
He said Union Home Minister Amit Shah had explained clearly in Parliament as to what the Delhi Services Bill was and added that it was not against the democracy like what the Congress has done during its hey days in power.
Annamalai also charged that in 1975, Indira Gandhi declared emergency and pushed the country into a deep pit.
He said that it was Stalin’s father and former Chief Minister Karunanidhi who had rolled out a red carpet welcome to Indira Gandhi after the emergency inviting her to Tamil Nadu with the statement, “Daughter of Nehru come and bring stable government”.
The BJP Tamil Nadu state president said that someone should inform Tamil Nadu Chief Minister that he was confusing with the state rights of Delhi and added that Delhi was a Union Territory with limited powers.
He charged that DMK was a “loyal slave” of the Congress party and had held the rights of the people of the state hostage for several years.
He also said that being a “loyal slave” of Congress party, DMK cannot support the welfare bills of the Central government.
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