New Delhi, Aug 30 : With the opening of the modern Prime Ministers’ Museum visitors will now be able to get photographed with their favorite PMs since independence, and also learn about the struggle of the country through them.
It was launched as a component of the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” campaign to mark the 75th anniversary of independence The museum takes visitors through the entire course of the struggle for freedom through the speeches of the premier ministers who steered the country through the turbulent period of independence, as well as their accomplishments.
“Lal Qile Ki Prachir Se’ — a section devoted to speeches of the leaders allows one to hear the speeches.
A brainchild of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the idea was first conceived in the year 2016 when he wanted to honor the legacy of the prime ministers prior to independence.
This was followed by the creation of an executive council was created.
For visitors, it’s an educational experience of the country’s development and the audio guide in multi-lingual format helps visitors to comprehend every concept in the language they prefer.
The subject is PM Museum, but the idea is to provide the visitor with an overview of India from the past to the present.
Anubhuti is a main attraction with visitors.
Visitors can snap photos with their favorite prime minister or go for a stroll with one of them.Additionally, there is an interactive display that will also provide them with an unsigned notes from any prime minister.
There is a room devoted to the Constituent Assembly which debated the Indian constitution.It describes the process of the creation of the Constitution of India.
The creation of the Constitution will be at the center of the story, as is the story of India changing into a republic.
The visitor will be able to understand the workings of the Indian legislature, and get an understanding of the political democratic process with an overview of the Constitutional Amendments that give a better comprehension of the way Indian democracy operates at the grassroots.
The Nehru Gallery provides a perspective of an upcoming Independent India and talks about the changes of the states as well as the Kashmir War 1947-48, to what Nehru called “temples” of the modern India.
Along with an overview of the very first general election The anteroom also features photographs of the members of the family of the Prime Minister of the time Jawahar Lal Nehru.
It also features famous people such as Rabindranath Tagore, and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan.
There is a video about the death of Nehru together with photographs and news articles.
The viewer can also view Nehru giving the inspirational “Tryst with Destiny” speech on the anniversary of Independence.