Mumbai 29 August : The legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar on Monday wished everyone a happy the day of National Sports Day, and urged the entire nation to congratulate the Lawn Bowls women’s gold medal-winning team at the Commonwealth Games 2022 in Birmingham.Tendulkar encouraged the Indians to pick up any sport and play regularly.”Age is not a barrier to turn India into a #SportsPlayingNation! This National Sports Day, let’s take up a sport and take it up regularly.Let’s get fitter as a nation.”
“The Story of Rupa, Lovely, Nayanmoni and Pinki is a story of hope.The “super four” eventually brought India the very first Gold in Lawn Bowls at the Commonwealth Games 2022.
They not only brought back the sport that was not well-known to the world, but they also earned earned recognition for their achievements.Rupa Rani Tirkey once was a Kabaddi player.Nayanmoni Saikia was a weightlifter, Pinki Singh was a cricketer as Lovely Choubey was an athlete.”
“Despite their modest beginnings, they gathered for a sport that was unnoticed to many.And now, with this historic gold record They have stood up in the old saying “Age is just an amount,” wrote Tendulkar in his tweet.
On August 2nd on the 2nd of August, on the 2nd of August, India lawn bowls women’s team took home a historic gold medal in the fours format and beat South Africa 17-10 in the final.
Lovely Choubey (lead), Pinki (second), Nayanmoni Saikia (third) and Rupa Rani Tirkey (slip) were the players of the team that won gold in the women’s lawn bowls fours.
“We’ve witnessed a number of instances of individuals breaking the boundaries of age to win in their chosen sports.
There are numerous examples of this around the globe.Each person’s obstacles are unique However, it is with the utmost determination and perseverance that one can overcome these obstacles.Sport is one of the ways that instills faith in people and boosts the mood and spirit of not just the athlete but also the entire nation in general.”
“In an area of 1.3 billion What is stopping us from conquering the hurdles and achieving success in sports? As a young and vibrant nation, we’ve all of us from a young age to the elderly fighting for the glory in their own sports.This National Sports Day, let us keep going with our collective effort to create India an ‘elite sports nation’ rather than a’sports passionate nation”,” concluded Tendulkar.