Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy has directed the authorities to implement best practices in the disposal of waste that is harmful to the people and the environment.The CM recently held a review meeting with the Municipal Minister Botsa Satyanarayana at the CM camp office in Tadepalli.
CM Jagan reviewed the programs undertaken so far in the state under Clean Andhra Pradesh (CLAP) program.CM Jagan suggested that modern technology should be made available for sanitation in cities, towns and villages.
On this occasion, the CM further said, “Vehicles should be provided to the specified grade 2, 3 city panchayats, towns, cities under the clap.Garbage bins should be provided to every household.
Electric vehicles should be provided to all areas for garbage collection and evacuation.Evacuation of garbage should take place as soon as possible.”
Also, CM Jagan said, “Measures should be taken to prevent trouble to nearby houses due to garbage centres in cities and towns.From time to time, the garbage should be removed, and the area should be kept free from odour.” CM Jagan said that reports on sanitation in the village and action being taken should be reviewed from time to time.