Kiev, Nov 30, : Between January and September 2021, the agricultural products trade between Ukraine, Asia, and other countries amounted to $10 billion, an increase of 20% year-on-year, according to official figures.According to the National Research Center Institute of Agrarian Economics of Ukraine, China was the largest destination for Ukrainian farm products exported in Asia during the period.India and Turkey were close behind.
According to the statement, Ukraine exported most cereals, oilseeds and oil to Asian countries in 2021’s first nine months.
It also imported exotic fruits, palm oil and oilseeds to those countries, Xinhua news agency reported.
According to the Institute of Agrarian Economics of Ukraine, Ukraine’s agricultural exports will reach $10.9 billion in Asia this year.
China’s agriproduct exports to Ukraine jumped by 84% year-on-year in 2020 to $3.5 billion
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