How To Cut Down Blood Pressure In Pregnant Women ?

How to cut down blood pressure in pregnant women ?

High blood pressure in pregnant women is normally seen.There are numbers of reasons why women got this hypertension issues in pregnancy.

 How To Cut Down Blood Pressure In Pregnant Women ?

Hormonal changes, the way she thinks, anxiety, pressure of pregnancy, fear of delivery and many other things lead to high blood pressure.If the reading is 140/90, that’s not a good sign.

Here are necessary steps to be taken for lowering the blood pressure in pregnancy.

* Lower the salt intake.

Pregnant should definitely keep an eye on their salt intake without fail.Any increase in salt levels will give a rise to blood pressure, which is hypertension.Several studies have proved this point.

* Physical inactivity can rise the blood pressure.It’s better to do lite exercise and even take small walks now and then.Need not cover long distances, just hold the hand of husband and cover a small distance and repeat the same.Better to walk on grass barefoot.

* Pregnant women generally see increase in weight.But the weight increase should not be too much.Anything over the top could be a sign of high blood pressure.

So, keep monitoring body weight and maintain a healthy weight.* Potassium brings balance in electrolyte levels.

Hence it plays a key role during pregnancy.It makes sure pregnant gets enough energy from the carbohydrates and fats she has taken.It also keeps check on hypertension.

* If pregnant women is with mood swings and getting troubled mentally, that is a trouble as blood pressure goes high.Pregnant should practice taking deep breaths.It improves arterial baroreflex sensitivity and relaxes blood pressure.

* Not taking enough magnesium can also cause hypertension.That’s the reason why magnesium rich foods should be included in a pregnant’s diet.Make them eat banana, almonds, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, avacodos etc.

* Pregnant women go through lot of stress, anxiety and thoughts.Anything in these give a push to blood pressure.They should get enough relaxation.Better to listen melodies and smooth songs.

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