BRS Working president K.T.Rama Rao along with emerging troubleshooter in the party Palla Rajeshwar Reddy held a meeting with Dr.Rajaiah and Mr.Srihari here and assuaged the hurt feelings of the former, who has been denied a ticket this time in favour of the latter.Although it was not made public as to what assurance was given to Dr.Rajaiah, party sources stated that he was assured of a “secured future in the party with appropriate recognition in the coming months”.
Following the truce and the intervention of party leadership, Dr.Rajaiah announced his support for the candidature of Mr.Srihari and assured to work for the latter’s victory in the coming election.Mr.Srihari, on his part, thanked Dr.Rajaiah for extending his support to the party decision and expressed hope that they would keep the party flag flying high in the constituency.
BJP corporator joins BRS
Meanwhile, GHMC Bagh Amberpet Division corporator from Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) B.Padma along with her husband B.Venkat Reddy and supporters joined the BRS here on Friday.They were welcomed into the party by working president KTR.They stated that they would work for the victory of BRS candidate from Amberpet Constituency K.Venkatesh Yadav in the coming elections.
On the other hand, folk singer Yepuri Somanna met KTR on Friday in the presence of legislators Balka Suman, Deshapathi Srinivas and senior leader Dasoju Sravan.BRS leaders said Mr.Somanna has expressed willingness to join BRS soon and it was welcomed by KTR.