Telangana Minister and BRS working President K T Rama Rao on Thursday said, that the police investigaiton is underway to look into if there is any conspiracy angle behind the fire accident during the BRS meeting in Khammam which claimed three lives and left some others injured.
KTR, along with some other leaders of Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), visited Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) in Hyderabad and called on the injured.
It is known that on April 12, four people died due to an accidental gas cylinder explosion in a hut in Chimalapadu of Karepalli mandal of Khammam district and four others were seriously injured in the accident.The accident took place a short distance from the meeting premises of BRS party Atmeeya Sammelanam.
KTR visited the fire accident victims, who are undergoing treatment at NIMS hospital in Hyderabad.Along with MPs Nama Nageswara Rao and Vaviraju Ravichandra, Minister KTR inquired about the health condition of the four victims, who were seriously injured in the blast.
The doctors told that the injured were in a stable condition.
CM KCR expressed shock and sorrow over this incident.
As soon as he came to know about the incident, he called District Minister Puvvada Ajay and MP Nama Nageshwar Rao in Chimalapadu to find out the details.CM KCR assured that the deceased will be supported in all ways.
He ordered to provide better medical services to the injured.The state government has announced a compensation of Rs.10 lakh each to the families of the deceased and Rs.2 lakh each to the injured.