Ban Greenwashing Activities Of Tobacco Industry: Who

Ban greenwashing activities of tobacco industry: WHO

New Delhi, May 16 : The World Health Organization (WHO) and STOP, a global tobacco watchdog, have called on nations to ban the greenwashing activities of the tobacco industry, responsible for the release of more than 80 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, and the most littered item on earth, cigarette butts.

 Ban Greenwashing Activities Of Tobacco Industry:

In a last week’s report they spotlight the extensive environmental damage caused by tobacco companies and how the industry “greenwashes” its products and activities to appear environmentally friendly.

The term “greenwashes” refers to a form of disinformation published by an organization to appear to be environmentally friendly and is a common practice in numerous industries.

Calling for action, the report, ‘Talking Trash: Behind the Tobacco Industry’s agreen Public Relations’, said the governments and the public around the world should be aware that greenwashing by the tobacco industry is increasing and needs to be countered.

Despite the attempts by the industry to improve its image, tobacco use remains one of the leading causes of premature death and a major cause of environmental harm.

The governments that are Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) also have an obligation to exclude the industry from engagement or influence over health policy, no matter how hard the industry attempts to greenwash its image.

“The WHO and STOP are calling on all governments, especially ones that are Parties to the FCTC, to ban the greenwashing activities of the industry, as they are a central part of the industry’s so-called CSR and marketing campaigns, aimed at industry renormalization, which tends to circumvent Article 5.3.

“Parties are obliged to end industry CSR under the FCTC, so unlike other industries, there is a mechanism in place to help governments prevent tobacco industry greenwashing,” says the report.

Ahead of World No Tobacco Day that falls on May 31, the report exposes the tobacco industry’s destructive practices affecting the environment as well as their greenwashing tactics, and show ways of restricting these practices through policy measures and awareness raising campaigns.

The adverse environmental impact of tobacco is often overlooked by the public and intentionally underplayed by the tobacco industry.

Scientific studies have also shown that the entire product lifecycle of a single cigarette has a climate change contribution of up to 14 grams of CO2 equivalent.

Tobacco growing and curing are also both direct causes of deforestation.An estimated 1.5 billion hectares of (mainly tropical) forests have been lost worldwide since the 1970s, contributing to up to 20 per cent of annual greenhouse gas increases.

About 4.5 trillion cigarettes butts are discarded each year worldwide, making them the most littered item on earth, and the most frequent item of litter on beaches.

Moreover, recent research published by the Truth Initiative shows that the chemicals that leached from a single cigarette butt (soaked for 24 hours in a liter of water) released enough toxins to kill 50 per cent of the saltwater and freshwater fish exposed to it for 96 hours.

Even with such statistics, with relatively few comprehensive studies undertaken, the true environmental impact of tobacco is unknown, says the report.

In India, a specific example of tobacco industry greenwashing is Imperial Brands that funds education, sanitation and health through its leaf partnership with Alliance One in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, including environmental education through a local NGO called PROTECT.

According to the report, on World Environment Day in 2018, ITC, the largest Indian tobacco company, claimed to be “water positive,” “carbon positive” and “solid waste recycling positive” for “over 14 years”, implying the company was having a net benefit on the environment.

Since 2011, British American Tobacco (BAT) has been involved with the Brazilian Tobacco Growers Association, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and the Ministry of the Environment for the preservation of forests on the south coast of the country.

Also, Altria, the US tobacco company, funded so-called CSR projects in the US, including the initiatives — Keep America Beautiful, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Center for Watershed Protection.


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