Twitter To Crack Down On ‘copypasta’ Tweets By Restricting Their Visibility.

Twitter to crack down on ‘CopyPasta’ tweets by restricting their visibility.

Twitter has taken a major step to combat the dissemination of propaganda on its platform.It has decided to hide tweets that contain text that has been copied and pasted without any modifications from the source text.

 Twitter To Crack Down On ‘copypasta’ Tweets By Restricting Their

This would help in stopping the spread of false information by multiple non-verified/ fake accounts.

Twitter is attempting to halt the practice of ‘copypasta’ which is an internet slang used for text that has been copied, pasted, and tweeted by multiple accounts at the same time.Copypasta is used by supporters of a party or movement to share the same piece of information via several accounts.

“We’ve seen an increase in “copypasta,” an attempt by many accounts to copy, paste, and Tweet the same phrase,” Twitter said in a tweet on August 28.“When we see this behavior, we may limit the visibility of the Tweets,” it said.

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