Bandaru Vijayalakshmi, daughter of Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya, has invited Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan to the ‘Alai Balai’ event.Haryana state Governor Bandaru Dattatreya has been organizing the Alay Balay program for the last 16 years.‘Alai Balai’ is being held in Hyderabad on October 17.The day after Dussehra, Governor Bandaru Dattatreya hosts the ‘Alai Balai’ program.
Every year, Governor Bandaru Dattatreya invites celebrities along with leaders of various political parties to the event.Governor Dattatreya also organized the event during his tenure as Union Minister.
Dattatreya is currently serving as the Governor of Haryana.In this context, Dattatreya’s daughter, Bandaru Vijayalakshmi, is inviting celebrities.Dattatreya did not host the Alay Balay event last year due to a surge in corona cases.
Dattatreya’s ‘Alai Balai’ program, which has been running successfully for the last 16 years, will be held on October 17 this year in Hyderabad.Vijayalakshmi, who met Pawan, extended the invitation to the event.Bandaru Dattatreya has been running the ‘Alai Balai’ program for the last 16 years.
This time Alay Balay is going to be held under the auspices of his daughter, Bandaru Vijayalakshmi.