Ho Chi Minh City Removes The Curbs To Vaccinated Persons

Ho Chi Minh City removes the curbs to vaccinated persons

Ho Chi Minh City : , Vietnam’s most dangerous pandemic area Ho Chi Minh City announced on Nov 18, that those who received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, or have recovered from it, will be allowed to participate in socio-economic activity.
This was part of temporary measures that were taken by the administration of Covid-19 earlier in the week to ensure a flexible, safe, and effective control, according to Xinhua news agency.

 Ho Chi Minh City Removes The Curbs To Vaccinated Persons-TeluguStop.com

Even if they are not yet eligible for vaccines, children can still participate in social-economic activities.However, inoculated adults must accompany them.

Participation in large groups such as festivals and cultural or sport events, use of public transport and working at public places, classes and other activities are some examples.

Activities themselves may also have restrictions depending on Covid-19 risks levels in each region.

These risk levels are determined primarily by the vaccination rate and number of people who are infected.

The city allowed other businesses such as bars, nightclubs, and karaoke shops to reopen in the low-risk zones and half of their capacity in high-risk locations on Tuesday.

These services are not allowed to operate in areas still considered high or very high risk.

These services are now open in southern Vietnam after being closed for six months under Covid-19 restrictions.

After months of social isolation, most of the usual activities and services were resumed in October.

Ho Chi Minh City is Vietnam’s most dangerous pandemic area, with over 1,000 cases being reported each day.

According to the municipality centre for disease prevention, it has recorded over 446,000 Covid-19 infection in this latest round of infected.

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