On Tuesday, SS Rajamouli announced that he would present an upcoming film called “Made In India,” a biopic about the ‘Father of Indian Cinema,’ Dadasaheb Phalke.The renowned RRR filmmaker revealed that he was deeply moved when he heard the script’s narration.
“When I first heard the story, it touched me emotionally like nothing else.Making a biopic is challenging, but creating one about the Father of Indian Cinema is even more demanding.Our team is ready and excited.With great pride, I present ‘MADE IN INDIA,'” Rajamouli shared on social media.
The film will be directed by Nitin Kakkar, known for his work in films like Filmistaan, Mitron, and Jawaani Jaaneman.This project also marks the debut of Rajamouli’s son, SS Karthikeya, as a film producer, who previously served as the line producer for RRR.
Dadasaheb Phalke, often referred to as the ‘Father of Indian Cinema,’ made India’s first full-length feature film titled “Raja Harishchandra” in 1913.Born in Trimbak, Maharashtra, his real name was Dhundiraj Govind Phalke.
He traveled to London to learn filmmaking and directed Raja Harishchandra upon his return, marking India’s first full-length feature film.Over his 19-year career, he directed 95 movies and 27 short films.In 1969, the Indian government honored him with the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, recognizing his lifetime contributions to Indian cinema.
“Made In India” is Rajamouli’s first project as a presenter after the global success of his Telugu period action drama RRR, which received an Academy Award for Best Original Song earlier this year.The cast and other details of the film are yet to be announced.
While many celebrated the film announcement, some on the internet suggested changing the film’s title from “Made In India” to “Made In Bharat,” amid ongoing discussions about renaming the country from India to Bharat.
In response to the suggestions, Rajamouli’s fans flooded his social media with comments like “Please change the title to Made In Bharat” and “Made In Bharat Rajamouli sir.”