Neha Shetty, also known as Neha Sshetty, is an Indian actress and model known for her work in Telugu films.She made her debut in 2016 with the Kannada film “Mungaru Male 2” and has since appeared in several Telugu movies, including “Mehbooba,” “Gully Rowdy,” “Most Eligible Bachelor,” and “DJ Tillu.”
Neha Shetty has been creating a buzz on the internet due to her recent photoshoot.She has a substantial following on social media and has been gaining attention for her stunning pictures.
In these photos, Neha Shetty is captured in a pink three-piece outfit with white embroidery.She wore a crop top, matching trousers, and a sleeveless jacket, completing the look with statement earrings and loose, curly hair.
Her makeup is natural and radiant, enhancing her beauty.
These pictures quickly went viral, with fans commenting on her superb and stunning appearance.
Words like “beautiful” and “lovely” filled the comment section, along with many red heart emojis.
Notably, Neha Shetty had previously shared a series of photos in which she wore a golden saree paired with a black sleeveless blouse.
She struck elegant poses while showcasing black and golden bangles, oxidase earrings, and a nose pin.Her open hair cascaded gracefully, and the caption read, “Life Lately: Chapter 3.”
The captivating photoshoot was orchestrated by Daniel Chinta, with styling by Rashmika Thapa and makeup by Madhushree Ganapathy.Fans showered their admiration in the comments.
Neha Shetty’s recent movie, “Bedurulanka 2012,” a Telugu comedy-drama, was released this year.It was directed by Clax and produced by Ravindra Benerjee Muppaneni, featuring Kartikeya Gummakonda, Ajay Ghosh, Srikanth Iyengar, and LB Sriram in significant roles.
Next on her filmography is “Rules of Ranjhana,” scheduled for release on September 28, where she stars alongside Kiran Abbavaram.