The Tamil Nadu DMK party MPs met the TRS Working President and Telangana Minister KTR at the Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad today.The DMK MPs presented the letter written by Tamil Nadu CM Stalin to KTR.Tamil Nadu CM Stalin wrote letters to the CMs of several states opposing the NEET entrance test.As part of this, the Tamil Nadu CM wrote a letter to KCR.However, the letter was given to KTR by the DMK MPs.
DMK MPs Elangovan and Kalanidhi Veeraswamy met KTR today at the Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad.Tamil Nadu CM Stalin has demanded the cancellation of the NEET entrance test across the state.He has written letters to the CMs of several states.
DMK MP Elangovan told the media that he had asked the TRS to extend its support.CM KCR also mentioned this issue in the Telangana assembly meetings.
He said that Tamil Nadu CM Stalin had written a letter to him.In many cases, Minister KTR said that the union govt is ignoring the Telangana state in many aspects.It remains to be seen how the TRS party would react to this.