Seven Tourists From Kerala Killed In Zojila Pass Road Accident (lead)

Seven tourists from Kerala killed in Zojila Pass road accident (Lead)

Srinagar, Dec 5 : Seven tourists were killed in a road accident in the Zojila Pass area connecting Ladakh region with the Kashmir Valley on Tuesday, officials said.

 Seven Tourists From Kerala Killed In Zojila Pass Road Accident (lead)

Officials said that a vehicle carrying the tourists and a driver went out of the driver’s control near Yadav Morh on the Zojila Pass and dropped into a deep gorge.

“Seven tourists belonging to Kerala have died in this accident while the driver of the vehicle has sustained critical injuries.

“The injured driver has been shifted to Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Srinagar for specialised treatment,” an official said.

Police started a relief and rescue operation immediately after receiving the news of the tragic accident.



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