Telugu Desam Party chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu announced that the party will release its manifesto for 2024 elections on Vijayadasami (Dasara) giving top priority to development and welfare with thrust on women empowerment.He said they had released the Maha Sakthi mini-manifesto and announced that they will provide four free gas refills per annum to women.
Naidu said, “The P-3 policy has brought in several changes in the lives of the people of state and with the same inspiration I have now announced P-4 (public, private and people’s partnership), which will transform the lives of the poor.”
Unveiling the Maha Sakthi Kavacha (shield) as part of the ‘Babu Surety-Future Guarantee’ programme after the Raksha Bandhan celebrations at the TDP headquarters here on Wednesday, Naidu expressed confidence that he can certainly uplift the poor and bring them out of poverty.
Naidu reiterated “I have announced the Maha Sakthi scheme under which Rs 15,000 will be paid to each mother and P-4 will certainly change the lifestyle of the poor.Free bus travel for women has already been promised.
NTR, by championing the cause of self-respect for women, he boosted their self-confidence levels.My sole aim is to see the emergence of women as a strong force.”