Jaipur Mayor Gives Call To \'go Green\' This Holi

Jaipur Mayor gives call to ‘go green’ this Holi

Jaipur, March 7 : Jaipur Mayor Somya Gurjar has launched a novel initiative by circulating ‘gulal’ made of cow dung on the occasion of Holi.

 Jaipur Mayor Gives Call To 'go Green' This Holi-TeluguStop.com

The aim of the initiative, she says, is to celebrate eco-friendly Holi.

She also sent personalised messages to veterans of the state and called upon them to celebrate eco-friendly Holi.She sent gulal to them made of cow dung which are chemical-free as well as skin-friendly.

In her message to these veterans, Gurjar said, “On the occasion of Holi, we will use gulal made of cow dung.Let’s celebrate the festival with cow dung made products.Also, let’s pledge to celebrate eco-friendly Holi by ensuring that you save water.”

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