Chennai 16 Aug : The team of director Balaji K Kumar’s forthcoming investigative thriller, ‘Kolai’ with actor Vijay Antony in the lead the film, has released its long-awaited official trailer.The trailer suggests that the film revolves around an investigation of the death of model Leila (played by actress Meenakshi Chaudhary) who is found dead in her locked apartment.
Assisting a character named Sandhya (played by Ritika Singh), Vijay , who believes there is no such thing that can be described as a perfect crime starts to investigate flaws made by the perpetrator.
“Every murder is bound to have flaws,” the trailer shows Vijaysaying and shows him using an easy method to investigate criminal cases.
He affirms: “Look for the flaw.Recognize the passion.Know the motive.Find out who the killer is.”
The gripping thriller that is an investigative thriller that has actor Vijay Antony playing the lead and also stars Murali Sharma and Radhika among others.While Murali Sharma is the agent known as Aditya, Radhika plays the boss, Rekha.
John Vijay plays a cop named Mansoor Ali Khan in the film, with Siddhartha Shankar as Sathish as the boyfriend of the main character Leila.
Sources tell us that the story of the movie, which has generated enormous expectations, was completed after the director had written more than 40 drafts of the script in five years!
The cinematography for the film was by Sivakumar Vijayan , and the music is composed by Girish Gopalakrishnan.