Patna on Aug.6 : Responding to the JD-U notice regarding the alleged discrepancies in immovable properties that were registered between 2013 and 2022 in his name and the names of his family members Former Minister of the Union RCP Singh claimed that the allegations of corruption against him is untrue.”The properties were bought legally and as a result of the financial standing of family members in our household,” he asserted. “The land was bought in the names of my two daughters Lipi Singh and Lata Singh.
The first is an IPS officer, while the Lata Singh is an advocate.Both of have filed ITR since the year 2010.
In addition, I served as an IAS officer for a long time , and transferred my wealth and properties to my daughters.Therefore, we didn’t get land without a permit,” Singh said in Nalanda.
“There isn’t a mass purchase in these land.A few of the land was purchased with cash, while others were exchanged with land of other locations.
The land of villages are generally cheaper as compared to urban regions.The land was not bought by my account at a bank,” Singh said.
In the meantime, Upendra Kushwaha, the president of JD-U Parliamentary board, stated: “The party is waiting for the official written response of RCP Singh.If he is able to provide the answer we’ll pursue further actions against him.”
“Our group leaders have noted the tax collections made by the state president and now it is evident through the notice issued by JD-U’s state president” RJD leader Shakti Singh Yadav said.
BJP spokesperson and leader Arvind Singh said: “It is an internal issue of JD-U and BJP is not involved with the issue.”