Eu Diplomats Condemn Israeli Settlement Policies In West Bank

EU diplomats condemn Israeli settlement policies in West Bank

Brussels, 23 November : .Heads of mission and EU representatives have voiced strong opposition to Israeli settlement expansion on the West Bank.
According to an official Palestinian news agency WAFA, the diplomats visited several locations in West Bank and areas near East Jerusalem following the recent Israeli announcement to move forward major settlement plans.

 Eu Diplomats Condemn Israeli Settlement Policies In West

According to Xinhua’s report, “The Israeli NGO Ir Amim organized the visit, briefing diplomats on the very worrying consequences of settlement plans for Givat Hamatos Har Homa and E1,” Xinhua quoted the WAFA report.

The diplomats were quoted saying during the visit that settlements violate international law and “significantly undermine ongoing efforts to build trust” and that their countries would not recognize any change to pre-1967 borders.This includes Jerusalem.

On Monday, the Office of the EU Rep for the West Bank & Gaza Strip also published a press statement in which Sven Kuhn vonburgsdorff, EU Representative in Palestine, stated that “the recent approvals of thousands of Housing Units for Israeli Settlers aim to disconnect the Palestinians form their city and change East Jerusalem’s identity”.

Burgsdorff stated that “Israeli settlements violate international law” and are a significant obstacle to an just, final and comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and Palestine.

According to media reports, Israel’s Higher Planning Council approved plans for the construction of 2,860 housing units in 30 settlements within the occupied Palestinian territory.

One part of the plans was approved for validation and others were submitted to final approval at a later stage.

On December 6, the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee held a hearing to hear about the proposed construction of 9,000 units of housing in Atarot, an Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem.

Israel took control of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and West Bank during the 1967 Middle East War.

The Palestinians are seeking independence in an effort to create a Palestinian state along 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as the capital.

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