Hyderabad City Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar has issued orders imposing traffic restrictions in various parts of the city on the occasion of Milad-un-Nabi.On this occasion, he said that traffic restrictions would be enforced in the areas where the Muslims would hold a peace rally.
He said traffic restrictions would be in effect from 8 a.m.to 8 p.m.on Tuesday.
Minister of Telangana State for Panchayati Raj, Rural Development and Rural Fresh Water Supply Errabelli Dayakar Rao wished the Muslims of Telangana on the occasion of Milad-un-Nabi, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.
He said that the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, such as generosity, compassion, devotion, universal equality and solidarity, were always applicable to mankind.He said that all the people in Telangana state celebrate festivals irrespective of religion, caste and creed.
Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao said that the government is organizing all festivals in Telangana, and all the people are living together in harmony under the administration of CM KCR.He said the government was working for the all-round development of the state and the people.He suggested people celebrate this festival with devotion abiding by Covid protocols.