Acne is by far the most seen skin problem in the world.Those pimples, the scars, the white fluid .ewww, acne is the worst thing than can possibly happen to a beautiful skin.No body wants acne.
But how you can avoid acne or fight against acne ? You kept hearing what eating lots of fruits will help you in the fight.Does that mean you can pluck anything from any plant just because it is a fruit? No, it is not like that.As every fruit has distinctive features, every problem has certain solutions.Only certain fruits provide aid against acne.Read what are they.
* Water Melon is one the most beneficial fruit if you are a victim of acne.
It is because of the aminos acid called I – citrulline present in the fruit.It keeps clearing your pimple.
Besides, water melon is fully loaded with water content.So, this is one fruit which hydrates your body immediately
* Apples do contain ascorbic acid, fiber and bioflavonoids.
So, it is a great tool of treating acne.Eat two or three apples everyday.
* Apricots are highly effective fruits on acne.They are very rich in minerals and beta carotene.
Adding to that, it has plenty of Vitamin A.Ear them regularly.
* Pomegranate has very high concentration of antioxidants.In fact, no fruit in the normal market can match pomegranate in this matter.Eat them like a daily dose.Very soon you will your acne getting reduced.
* Any citrus fruit, in special orange and lemon are great doctors of acne.Due to the meaty presence of vitamin C, citrus family helps a body in flushing out toxins.
Remember, if you want to clean acne, you should start cleaning it from inside.
* Other fruits than can help in treating acne are Bananas, Raspberry, strawberry , blueberries, cherries, pineapple, avocado, and grapes