Asean Parliamentary Delegation Meets Vice President

ASEAN the parliamentary delegation holds talks with the vice president

New Delhi, Aug 12 : An ASEAN parliamentarian delegation met Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday in New Delhi.
At the time, Dhankhar stated that India’s relationship with ASEAN is full of potential and promise and engagement with ASEAN is a key component of India’s “Act East” policy.

 Asean Parliamentary Delegation Meets Vice

This was the first time a foreign Parliamentary delegation he has met in his role as Vice President.

In commemoration of 30 years of the beginning of relations with ASEAN, Dhankhar stated that the cultural and civilisational connection between the two is evident in the architecture, monuments and food habits, as well as the languages and the people who have laid the groundwork for a solid strategic partnership.

Dhankhar stated that India is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the country’s Independence as ‘Azadi ka Amarit Mahotsav and said that the year will also mark the inauguration of the diplomatic relationship between India with the various ASEAN member states, such as the 75th anniversary with Thailand 70th anniversary with Cambodia 65th anniversary with Malaysia and 50th anniversary with Vietnam.

The significance of ASEAN as a gateway to and out of the Indian Ocean region, Dhankhar declared that India’s partnership with ASEAN is full of potential and promise since ASEAN is considered to be one of the most politically and economically dynamic regions of the world today.

He highlighted the need for greater engagement with ASEAN due to its crucial interaction in India’s “Act East” policy.

In reminiscing about the development of India’s relations with ASEAN that was upgraded to an Strategic Partnership in 2012, Dhankhar expressed his satisfaction over the development of India’s relations with ASEAN since India was made a Sectoral Partner of ASEAN in 1992.

In support of the need for a strong ASEAN-centered regional framework, Dhankhar said that India fully supports ASEAN unity and centrality which is a perfect platform to promote a democratic inclusive, open and rules-based Indo Pacific region.

The delegation headed by Kittisethabindit Cheam Yeap was impressed by the friendship between India and ASEAN countries and hoped the visits will further enhance the bonds already existing.


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