Can Vegetarian Food Raise Hip Fracture Risk In Women?

Are vegetarian foods a risk to hip fracture risks in women?

London 12th August : Women who ate the vegetarian diet had a 33 percent greater risk of hip fractures compared to meat-eaters on a regular basis, according to in a study of 26,000 middle-aged women in the UK.
Vegetarian diets have been gaining popularity in recent time.They are often viewed as healthier choices for a healthy diet, with previous evidence that indicates that a vegetarian diet can lower the risk of many chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes and cancer, as compared to diets that are omnivorous.

 Can Vegetarian Food Raise Hip Fracture Risk In Women?

Also, there is a global demand to reduce the consumption of animal products in an effort to combat climate change.

Understanding the risk of hip fractures in vegetarians is becoming more important to public health according to researchers at the University of Leeds.

The study which was published in the journal BMC Medicine, the team looked into the possibility of hip fractures in occasional meat-eaters and pescatarians (people who consume fish, but do not consume meat) and vegetarians in comparison to meat-eaters who eat regularly.

Of 26,318 women with hip fractures, 822 cases were recorded over a period of about 20 years.After adjusting for factors like smoking and age vegetarians were the only food group with an increased likelihood of hip fracture.

“Our study raises concerns concerning the risk of hip fractures in women who follow the option of a vegetarian diet.But, it’s not advising people to stop vegetarian diets.Just as with every diet it is essential to know your own the individual’s situation and the essential nutrients to live a healthy and balanced way of life.” stated principal writer James Webster, a doctoral researcher at Leeds’ School of Food Science and Nutrition at Leeds.

Vegetarian diets vary from one person to another and can be unhealthy or healthy as are diets that are based on animal products.But, it’s alarming that vegetarian diets typically contain lower amounts of minerals that are associated with the health of muscle and bone health.

These kinds of nutrients are typically much more plentiful in the meat industry and in other animal products as opposed to in plants, like calcium, protein and other micronutrients.

“Low intake of these nutrients can result in lower bone muscle mass and mineral density which could make you more vulnerable to hip fractures.

This is why it is crucial for further study to better know the factors that contribute to the risk of hip fractures in vegetarians regardless of whether it’s nutrition deficiencies or weight control, so that we can assist people make healthier choice,” Webster said.

The team also discovered that the mean Body Mass Index among vegetarians was a bit lower than the meat eaters who are regular.

Previous research has revealed that there is a connection between the low BMI and a higher risk of hip fractures.

A lower BMI could indicate that people are overweight, which could result in poorer bone and muscle health and a higher risk of hip fractures.

Further research is required to determine if a lower BMI is the reason behind the higher risk of hip fractures observed in vegetarians The team explained.


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