Jd-u, Bjp Have \'mismatched Marriage\' In Bihar, Says Rjd\'s Jagadanand

JD-U, BJP have ‘mismatched marriage’ in Bihar, says RJD’s Jagadanand

Patna, July 25 : After Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar skipped the swearing-in ceremony of President Droupadi Murmu on Monday, RJD state President Jagadanand Singh supported his action, while reiterating that the JD-U-BJP alliance is a “mismatched marriage”.

 Jd-u, Bjp Have 'mismatched Marriage' In Bihar, Says Rjd's Jagadanand-TeluguStop.com

“I repeatedly said that it is a mismatched marriage between BJP and JD-U.I firmly believe that there is no match between these two parties.It is an opportunistic alliance between them.If Nitish Kumar formed the government with the BJP by putting all principles aside, then I believe that he has separated himself from the socialist values,” he said.

“As why Nitish Kumar did not go to the swearing-in ceremony of the President, he would be the better person to say.I believe that Nitish Kumar is more concerned about the 12 crore people of Bihar who are facing a drought situation.At present, the drought situation in Bihar is 20 times worse than 1967,” Singh said.


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