Istanbul, The 89th Interpol General Assembly

Istanbul, the 89th Interpol General Assembly

Istanbul, Nov 24, : Istanbul’s 89th General Assembly has begun in Turkey’s cultural and financial hub Istanbul.It aims to address global security threats.
Kim Jong Yang, president Interpol, stated that the General Assembly will discuss “the highest strategy direction of the organization” and “global threats that make Interpol’s actions so necessary”.

 Istanbul, The 89th Interpol General

Tuesday’s General Assembly meeting of Interpol was the first since the Covid-19 epidemic.It gathered ministers, chiefs of police and top officers from more 160 countries.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the meeting via video message.

He stated that Turkey, which is located in the middle Asia, Europe and Africa, faces multiple security threats.

Erdogan stated that Turkey was one of the worst-affected countries by armed conflict, especially in Syria and Iraq.

According to Interpol, Interpol’s General Assembly meets every year to make “decisions concerning general policy, resources needed for international cooper, working methods, finances and programs of activities”.

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