Telugu star Ram Charan’s latest film, “Game Changer,” has generated immense excitement among his fans, thanks to his stellar performance in the previous hit, “RRR.” The movie’s announcement created a buzz as it marks a collaboration between Ram Charan and visionary director S Shankar for a pan-India project.One of the most talked-about aspects of the film is the whopping budget of Rs 90 crore that Shankar has allocated exclusively for the musical compositions.
Reports suggest that Shankar’s unprecedented investment in the film’s music is aimed at delivering an unparalleled audio-visual treat to the audience.
It appears that apart from action, music will play a crucial role in “Game Changer,” adding to the overall experience for viewers.The film also stars the talented Kiara Advani, who has previously worked with Ram Charan in the 2019 release, “Vinaya Vidheya Rama.”
Film industry tracker Manobala has revealed that the budget for the songs in “Game Changer” stands at an impressive Rs 90 crore.Several media reports indicate that director Shankar convinced producer Dil Raju to invest this massive amount in the five songs of the film.The collaboration with esteemed music director S Thaman is expected to produce extraordinary tunes and background scores to mesmerize the audience.
“Game Changer” promises to be an enticing blend of action and drama set against the backdrop of contemporary politics.In the movie, Ram Charan will portray the role of an IAS officer, adding an exciting dimension to the narrative.
Overall, the project has garnered immense attention and anticipation due to the combination of Ram Charan’s acting prowess, S Shankar’s visionary direction, and the ambitious musical undertaking.Fans and movie enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting this one-of-a-kind cinematic experience that is set to push the boundaries of the entertainment industry.