Handing Terrorist Memon\'s Body To Kin - Congress Says Bjp \'fooling\' People

Transferring the body of the terrorist Memon to relatives The body of the terrorist Memon’s kin Congress says BJP is ‘fooling’ people

Mumbai on September 8 : The Congress has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of ‘misleading people in advance of the elections for civic office The Congress on Thursday raised doubts about the legitimacy of the ruling party regarding terrorism, based on its previous history.
Maharashtra Congress chief spokesperson Atul Londhe stated that in 2015, BJP MPs like Varun Gandhi and former MP Shatrughan Sinha were against the execution of the terror suspect Yakub Memon.

 Handing Terrorist Memon's Body To Kin - Congress Says Bjp 'fooling' People-TeluguStop.com

“They had issued a note not to hang Memon.In the days following his execution, on July 30 2015, the BJP administration in the state transferred the body of his relatives.

Should the BJP now apologize to the people for this,” Londhe asked.

In a statement that the remains of any terrorist can’t be transferred to the family of the terrorist to perform final ceremonies, Londhe cited the instances of Afzal Guru’s hanging in February 2013 , and of a Pakistani terrorist who was executed in November 2012.

“They were buried in secret places.The other nine Pakistani terrorists killed by security forces in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks were disposed of in unidentified locations that nobody knows until the present.

The Congress was careful to ensure that terrorists were not elevated by the general public,” Londhe pointed out.

Instead of responding to the questions instead, the BJP is trying to make it appear religious and sabotage the community by bringing up the Memon important issue in order that it can use it to gain political advantage the issue in the civic elections throughout the state, he said.

Londhe also stated that once the body is laid to rest three years later, it is exhumed.However, this did not take place in the case of Memon who was executed seven years ago.

“Will the BJP respond with who’s blessing this was permitted,” he asked.

Londhe remembered that she was informed that the BJP government at the Centre had released the notorious Pakistani terrorist and Jaish-e-Mohammed founder Maulana Masood Azhar in 1999 following the Indian Airlines plane hijack incident at Kandahar.

“It was during BJP administration when the India Parliament was attacked (2001) and following the 2016 Pathankot attacks in 2016, the BJP had invited the Pakistani spy agency ISI to conduct an investigation in India.Therefore the BJP talking about terrorism is a huge laugh,” Londhe said.

The state Congress leader’s scathing remarks were made in the context of the political squabble that broke out in Maharashtra regarding the alleged “makeover” of Memon’s burial site in Bada Qabrastan in south Mumbai.

After a raging verbal battle after a huge verbal battle, the Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis directed the police to investigate the incident.


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