Saudi-led Coalition Strike Houthi Sites In Yemen

Saudi-led coalition strike Houthi sites in Yemen

Sanaa, Dec 26 : The Saudi-led coalition backing the Yemeni government launched six airstrikes on Houthi positions in Marib province, a report said on Saturday.

 Saudi-led Coalition Strike Houthi Sites In

The report issued by the Houthi-run al-Masirah TV said the Friday night attack targeted sites in the districts of Jabal Murad and Joubah.

It did not provide any further details, Xinhua news agency reported

There were also no reactions from the coalition or the Yemeni government.

The coalition has regularly targeted the Houthi militia to prevent them from advancing on the government stronghold.

The districts are located in the far north and west of the government-held province, few miles to the east of the Houthi-held capital Sanaa.

Yemen has been mired in civil war since late 2014 when the Iran-backed Houthis seized several northern provinces and forced the internationally-recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of Sanaa.

The Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened in the Yemeni conflict in 2015 to support the government


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